
Divorce, Custody, and Support

  • You're getting divorced.

    Your family will no longer exist as you knew it . . . but it will continue to exist. The choices you make now, as you and your spouse separate, will both shape and define how your family moves forward in the future and becomes what it will be. My job is to help you make those choices so that your family can look and function the way you hope it will. I provide individualized and comprehensive legal services, in combination with experienced and compassionate guidance to help you through every step of your divorce, from the initial filing to post-adjudication or modification issues.

  • Cooperative Approach

    I firmly believe in a cooperative approach to separation and divorce. Divorce is hard enough on everyone, and fighting makes it unbearable. Besides, hasn’t there been fighting already? While litigation is not always avoidable, cooperative resolution should at least be what we try for initially. If you’re angry and looking for an attorney to scorch the earth with you, I’m not your gal.

  • Common Ground

    I have found that when separating spouses find common ground during their divorce, when tensions and emotions run highest, it is that much easier to keep finding common ground when the sting of the divorce has lessened. Remember, if you have children, you have a lifetime of co-decision making ahead of you. A consequence of being unable to resolve your differences during your divorce is that ultimately you will place the most important decisions of your family and your life in the hands of a judge. While, I have every confidence in our judiciary, do you really want to stranger making those decisions for you?

  • On the other side.

    There is a way through this without fighting, and you will come out stronger on the other side. Together, we’ll face the legal decisions regarding how you and your family will move forward through this transition, to become what you will be on the other side.