Parenting Coordinator

Helping coparents…

As a parent coordinator I help parents resolve disputes about their child(ren), ideally without judicial intervention. My authority as a PC is limited to making decisions about parenting time only unless you request that I weigh in on a custodial issue.


Parent coordination is a cooperative process where you and your coparent learn to communicate more effectively and to keep the issues regarding your children in the forefront.


I fully investigate any disagreement you and your coparent have.


If I am unable to help you and your coparent reach an agreement, I make a binding recommendation about what you will do. Every binding recommendation is subject to review by the court in the event you disagree with it.

Only the court can order you or your coparent to do something, but if I’m doing my job as your PC, I can help deescalate disagreements and find common ground so that your coparenting decisions are by agreement not by order.